Monday, June 9, 2008

The Plight of John Mccain

Senator John Mccain is considered a maverick by most people within the Republican Party.However,the term maverick can very tricky for anyone within the Republican Party.The Republican Party has evolved or devolved into the party of extremes.The Party of Lincoln,Roosevelt,and Reagan has adopted a very tough stance on issues ranging from rights of the unborn,immigration,and national security.John Mccain is a Republican but he often splits from his party on many issues that could hurt his chances of maintaing the base of his own party.

In presidential politics,candidates start off catering to the base of their respective parties. However,Senator Mccain is taking a very unique approach towards trying to win the presidency:he ran as a moderate during the primaries and now hes moving back to sure up the base.It is very fascinating to see this kind of campaign.A candidate that wins the nomination of their party can usually count on the base because the candidate has just won the primaries.Mccain started in the middle and is moving right to eventually come back to the center (makes alot of sense when you think about it).It will be very interesting to see how this strategy works in the general election.

Mccain was the sponsor of alot of bills that the Republican base is still very upset about.Mccain-Feingold (campaign finance reform),Mccain-Kennedy (immigration reform),he believes in global warming (the base of the party is still not convinced),and John Mccain was apart of that gang of 14 that actually tried to compromise (the GOP hates bi-partisanship...especially when they control every branch of government).Senator Mccain will be walking a very thin tight rope during the fall campaign.When he campaigns to ardent conservatives he can not mention his own immigration bill.When he campaigns in Oregon about the effects of global warming he better make sure its not a taped rally.Winning swing states is always important but if the base sits this one out than the swing states dont count for much.The long Democratic Primaries allowed democrats to register new voters while the Republican Primaries had much lower voter turnout.Senator Mccain will need his base if he is to overcome his low fundraising numbers,the president's 28% approval rating,and the 81% of the country that thinks the country is heading in the wrong direction.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree with you all the way, this will be interesting till the very end. Just as Senator Obama is exactly what the Democratic Party needs for this election, Senator McCain is what the Republicans need. The reputation cultivated by 12 years of Reaganism, followed by the years of Newt Gingrich's Congress, and finally into 8 years of the Bush Administration has left moderate America with a mental picture of "republicans" that does not resemble the Party of Lincoln or the Bull Moose Progressives like Teddy Roosevelt. McCain brings a new breed of Republican to the table, a cross breed between what was and what is. That is why he is so appealing to many American's. And he is exactly the type of candidate the Republicans needed to follow the horrible Bush Administration if they had any intentions of putting up a fight.